Monday, April 15, 2013

You Are Invited!

What: Family Cooking Night

When: Thursday, April 25th @ 6:00 p.m.

Where: Cuba Elementary Gym

The kids have been working really hard to prepare a menu and food. Hope to see you here!

Cooking Field Trip

Dear Families:

At the end of kindergarten each year we like to explore a topic that interests the students. The class has voted and the topic of interest for this year is cooking (the vote was an overwhelming 18 to 4 in favor of cooking). The students have been working on project questions and developing a list of activity ideas. One of the many activities that we will be taking part in is a Cooking Field Trip.

On Tuesday, April 23rd we will be going to Paducah to explore cooking and the culinary arts. We will begin our field trip at Pizza Inn where we will be creating and baking our own pizzas. We will then be traveling to West Kentucky Community and Technical College to view the culinary program and to meet a real chef. Finally we will visit a market and purchase foods to use in our own cooking experiments. There will be a $3.00 cost per student for the field trip and meal.

We plan on leaving Cuba at 8:15 a.m. and we will return by 2:15 p.m. Here is the approximate timeline for our day trip:

• 8:15-9:30 Travel to Pizza Inn

• 9:30-10:45 Pizza Inn

• 10:45-11:00 Travel to WKCTC

• 11:00-12:00 WKCTC

• 12:00-12:15 Travel to Midtown Market

• 12:15-1:00 Midtown Market

• 1:00-2:15 Travel to Cuba

Please complete the
permission slip and return with the $3.00 field trip payment by Monday, April 22nd. If your child does not have a signed permission slip he/she will not be allowed to attend the field trip and an alternate activity will be provided at school. We would love to have parent volunteers to assist during the field trip. Please let us know if you plan on riding the bus or driving separately.

Mrs. Melissa

Newsletter 04/15

Weekly Goals

Reading: Blend and segment words with four or more sounds. Change beginning and endings of words to create new words (cat to can, pan to pat, lap to nap, etc.)

Language: Identifying nouns and verbs in a sentence. What is the difference?

Math: Solving simple subtraction sentences.

Sight Words: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten

Practical Skill: Stating address. Please make sure that your child is able to recite house number, street name and city.

Theme: Name and categorize different types of foods. Classify tools and ingredients. Name and describe different cultural foods.

Weekly Reminders

Our Reading Rewards Word Test will be this Friday afternoon. Each child has taken a pre-test and words to work on have been sent home. Please make sure that your child is prepared for this test. All students that pass the test will be invited to go on a bowling field trip.

Our spelling test will be this Friday. Word cards are included in your child’s folder.

We will be going on a field trip this Friday, April 19th to see a play at Lovett Auditorium. Please make sure you have returned field trip money and permission slips by tomorrow.

We are collecting empty cereal boxes in order to create data clipboards for a field trip. Please send in any empty boxes that you have at home.

Snack Shack will be this Friday.

Spring Pictures will be April 17th.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Weekly Newsletter 02/04/13

Weekly Goals

Reading: Identifying blends in words and sounding out words with four sounds. Circling the action word (verb) in a sentence. Stating the two sounds that the letter e makes (knowing that e can be “sneaky” and silent on the end of words).

Language: Classifying sentences as telling or asking. Identifying correct punctuation (period or question mark) for the sentence.

Math: Comparing sets of numbers. (Ex: How many more is 10 than 7?)

Sight Words: Color Words

Practical Skill: Stating birthday (month and day).

Social Studies: Understanding the importance of banks.

Weekly Reminders

If you have not sent in field trip permission slips or the $3.00 admission fee please do so ASAP.

Our field trip to see Cique Ziva at the Carson Center is this Friday. Please encourage your child to wear tennis shoes and his/her Cuba shirt.

Homework packets are due on Friday.

Our Color Word Test is on Friday.

We will have Snack Shack on Friday. Please send in $1.00 if you would like your child to participate.

Blends Video

We are working on identifying, reading, and creating blends in the classroom.  Please review this video with your child and encourage him/her to write some of the blends from the video. Happy viewing!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Weekly Newsletter 01/28/13

Weekly Goals

Reading: Identifying blends in words and sounding out words with four sounds. Circling the action word (verb) in a sentence. Stating the two sounds that the letter e makes (knowing that e can be “sneaky” and silent on the end of words).

Language: Classifying sentences as telling or asking. Identifying correct punctuation (period or question mark) for the sentence.

Math: Numbers to 100 (counting by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s). Classifying numbers as odd or even. Noticing patterns in 100 chart.

Sight Words: Color Words

Practical Skill: Stating birthday (month and day).

Science: Contrasting hibernating and non-hibernating animals.

Weekly Reminders

Please turn in all Cirque Ziva (Carson Center) field trip permission forms by Friday, February 1st.

Homework packets are due on Friday.

Our Word Test and our Chapter 8 Math Test are on Friday.

We will have Snack Shack on Friday. Please send in $1.00 if you would like your child to participate.

100th Day of School!

We had a great 100th Day of school!  Thank you so much for sending in the 100th Day Collections and snack items.  We spent the day celebrating numbers and how much smarter we are now than at the beginning of the year.  I'm looking forward to spending the rest of the school days as your child's teacher:)

Monday, January 7, 2013

Weekly Newsletter 01/07/12

Weekly Goals

Reading: Describing the letter Ll and the sound. Identifying blends in words and sounding out words with four sounds.

Language: Creating complete sentences (vs. sentence fragments).

Math: Numbers to 100 (counting by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s). Classifying numbers as odd or even.

Sight Words: your, when, that, say, look, go, hot, Wednesday

Practical Skill: Writing first and last name.

Science: Identifying land and water on a map.

Weekly Reminders

We began our new Reading Groups today. Please make sure to sign and date your child’s book each night (Monday-Thursday). Reading Kits will not be sent home on Fridays.

It is very important that your child knows at least 40 of the sight words that we have studied so far this year. If you would like a complete list of words studied so far please refer to our classroom website.

Please return all Board Presentation sign-ups by Wednesday.

Homework is due on Friday.

We will have Snack Shack on Friday.

Sight Word Practice at Home

By this time in the year students have learned quite an extensive list of sight words.  Sight word practice can become monotonous and boring--so here are a few activities to help put the fun back into reading.

Jump on It!
Copy sight words on index cards (one word per card).  Make a second set of the same words.  Scatter one set faceup on the floor, leaving about a foot between each card.  Place the other set in a stack facedown.  Turn over the first card in the stack.  Have your child read the word (offer help as needed) and then jump on the corresponding card on the floor.  Turn over the next card and have your child read it and jump on that word.  Continue until your child has jumped on all of the words.  Mix up the cards and play again!

Which Word Wins?
Sit with your child and look at a newspaper to see just how often sight words pop up in print.  Ask your child to choose a sight word from the list and an article from the paper.  Look for the word together.  Highlight and count the word each time it appears.  Try the same thing with a second sight word.  Which word appears most often?

Read My Back!
"Write" a sight word on your child's back.  Can your child guess the word?  Trade places--let your child trace a word from the list on your back.  Continue taking turns tracing and guessing sight words.

Spill a Sight Word
Copy sight words onto small cards.  (You can cut index cards in quarters or cut sturdy paper into pieces.)  Place the word cards in an empty container, such as a tall plastic tumbler or an empty tennis ball can (Pringles cans work great).  Invite your child to shake the container, spill out the words, and read the ones that fall faceup.  Give each word your child reads a score that is equal to the number of letters in the word.  Record the total, then place the remaining words back in the can and shake and spill again.  Add the total to the first score.  Play until your child has spilled and read all of the words.

These are the sight words we have learned so far this year:  we, run, a, can, play, I, am, the, little, like, cat, to, and, dog, not, do, you, want, all, here, big, is, she, with, are, he, funny, make, will, me, pretty, what, us, call, my, jump, see, house, no, said, let, in, come, help, ride, work, find, there, Sunday, keep, away, ran, can't, on, this, if, Monday, good, have, read, any, did, or, too, Tuesday, your, when, that, say, look, go, hot, Wednesday.