Monday, September 12, 2011

Vowel or Consonant?

Watch this great video with your child and then play the "Vowel or Consonant Game?" using a set of homemade alphabet flashcards (made out of index cards). Each correct answer is worth
1 pt. The kids LOVE this video in class!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Reading Eggs

Our school has registered with Reading Eggs, an online program designed to motivate and excite your child about reading. Reading Eggs is custom designed to meet your child's individual educational needs. When the program was first introduced at school each child was given a fun reading assessment and then placed on a learning MAP that matched their current level of development. So now each child is moving at his or her own pace and working on personal goals to increase reading proficiency. This program is now available to you at home! Your child will be able to practice what they have learned in class, and you can view their progress. Tomorrow each child will receive a login card with username and password information. Please keep this information and use it to access Reading Eggs at your convenience. If you would like to learn more about this program visit

What's That in Your Mouth?

We use this slide show during Language all the time! The slide show is used while we sing an alphabet song to the tune of, "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands." It goes like this:

I've got the whole alphabet in my mouth,I've got the whole alphabet in my mouth,

I've got the whole alphabet in my mouth,

And I can read!

I've got A /a/ /a/, in my mouth,

I've got B /b/ /b/, in my mouth,

I've got C /k/ /k/, in my mouth,

And I can read!

The tune is the same throughout the whole song. Go ahead, try it with your child!